Monday, December 20, 2010

Industry focus - Visit to the "ANU" unit

ANU is an organisation based out of the slums of Janakiram Layout, Kamanahalli, Bangalore. It aims to be a profitable outfit which provides sustainable income for women of this slum. It was started by the enterprising and talented Devika Krishnan who is the founder of Arthouse and Studio Sattva. 
All products made at ANU are upcycled from waste. They focus on a small but unique set of products.  The raw materials used are cement sacks and empty juice tetra paks.

Who could think this
 and this

could turn into this?
and this respectively? 
Wow! is all we can say.

The people behind these beautiful products are self motivated young women. They are mostly in their early twenties with 1, 2 or even 3 kids! The women work 5 days a week from 10 am to 1 pm. During this time the kids stay in a creche in a neighbouring building. Most of the children are aged 3 and under.

The kids at the creche

The women are encouraged to manage and run the organization themselves. So they source for raw materials on their own after the initial training. They manage accounts themselves. They can bring in more women to work but whoever brings in someone has to train them too. These women make Rs 3000 to 4000 per month on an average. 
                                          ANU works in a very organized manner with tasks clearly identified and set for every member.

The designs are simple yet pretty and are kept the same for a month. The final stitching and lining of the cement sack products is done by another sister NGO. Thus both the organizations help each other.
Here is Devika at the unit - All smiles!!

The Red River team at the ANU unit -
Chatting with Devika

With Elise and Devika

Yes, Mayaa went visiting too :)

To know more about ANU's products and where you can buy these reach out to Devika at


  1. Devika ji..

    You are simply great!!!!fabulous work by you and your team..I am very keen to work with you.Let me know how I can contribute to your great work!!ready to teach dance for those kids if their parents are willing to send them for dance..Once again hats off!!!!


  2. Thanks Arundhati and Srinivasa. This indeed is a thoughtful project which does help these women make their lives better!

  3. commendable work.creating beauty from waste.hence proved only women can be creative. keep the good work going.with best wishes.


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